WTF Energy Healing
I am a Reiki Master and a Shamanic Healer.
I channel energy to shift dense energy blockages across your being. I use methods of extraction and infusion to remove unwanted and non-serving energy, to replace it with desired and serving energy. I call this Psychic Surgery.
I use different tools and healing modalities that include hands on energy healing, sound healing such as light language, vocal toning, shamanic drumming & rattling, acupressure on meridian points, energy cleansing sprays, crystals, belching, yawning and other physical release modalities.
I work on all layers of your aura; I may focus on more emotional layers, mental layers, soul/spirit layers or physical layers, depending on what’s most active in your energy field.
Each session is very unique and always working with the highest intentions for your highest good. I tune into your higher self and spirit guides to find out what healing, energy transmissions and activations that best serve you most in this moment.
I offer both interactive and passive sessions, interactive is where you may want to talk, express emotions and make sounds or movement during the session, and passive sessions where you're laid on my massage bed and just receiving the healing energy.
You may experience any and all of these, but not limited to:
* Cord Cleansing (similar to cord cutting)
* Soul Retrieval
* Chakra Opening, Balancing & Clearing
* Ancestral Cleansing
* Past Life Healing & Integration
* Entity / Curse Removal
* Unbinding of Soul Contracts & Karmic Debts
* Starseed DNA Activations
* Cellular Recoding
* Energy Upgrades
* Neural Reprogramming
* Emotional Blockages Purging
1 hr
55 British pounds1 hr 30 min
90 British pounds1 hr
50 British pounds1 hr
From 50 British pounds